When producing a video, if you know the classic mistakes and what can be done to avoid them, then you can produce stand out content. Read on to learn how.
If you’re using text in your video, make sure that is legible. Using hard-to-read fonts or colours that blend in with the video background is a guaranteed way of putting people off!
It's also important to make sure text is appropriately positioned in the frame, aligned correctly, and sized in the right way.
Audio is still a big deal, it’s true. Bad sound design is another factor that can kill your video’s effectiveness. Getting your audio just right can help improve the viewer’s experience and make them more likely to take in messages.
Make sure that the volume (that could be background audio, music or voiceover) isn’t too loud or too quiet. Achieve an equilibrium where both headphone users and people listening from their speakers can enjoy and hear it all.
If you’re using a transition every time you cut to a different part of the video, then you might be overdoing it a bit. Equally, if the transition doesn’t fit naturally with the flow of the video, like using a whip pan on a video trying to give a serious message to viewers will give the audience the wrong impression. Duh.
Music can really make or break a video. Match the style with your audience and the video type. It’s vital that the music used in your video is featured at the right moments and remains consistent.
Overuse of music and a mixture of music genres should be avoided!
Whilst you might have filmed lots of great footage or assets (please, don’t share PPTs with us!), this doesn’t mean you have to include absolutely everything in your finished product. Cramming too much footage in can lengthen it unnecessarily. Viewers lose interest and scroll away.
It also means you run the risk of overwhelming people with multiple messages and too many things to take in and look at. We see this all the time. The most effective marketing videos will contain one strong, central message that the viewer can focus all their attention on.
We love delivering creative video content that hits the mark. Check out our portfolio to view some of our work for satisfied clients.
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