We decided to produce a podcast; it couldn’t be that difficult, could it?
Well, no, but it demanded the question, 'What could we possibly have to say that would be of use to listeners?’
After some head scratching, we thought we really could only talk about our experiences and how we got to work in this business of video production. Plus, we know a lot of people whose experiences we could ask about.
We’d combine that with our tips and advice and make a podcast that would be of use to school, college, and university leavers who may want some insight on how to get an 'in'—well, at least more useful insight than the usual ‘it’s who you know, you know’.
We assembled our colleagues and friends and interrogated them on mic to produce this CH VIDEO: A REALLY USEFUL PODCAST #1 (we hope you agree!).
We hope you’ll find it engaging even if you don’t have aspirations in the film, TV, or video business. Please do distribute to anyone you know who may be interested. You never know; our combined experiences may help focus the route to the start of a rewarding career.
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here and view some of our work
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