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How to Grab Attention Quickly in your Videos

Jul 08, 2024
We're all guilty of scrolling between one video to the next on social media. In today's digital age we expect engaging content at our fingertips. If we don't get that, we simply move onto the next video. 

By the time 10 seconds has passed, 20% of viewers will have already stopped watching your video and moved onto something else. 


So, we’re here to offer 5 top tips on how to grab attention quickly in your videos before time runs out! 

Capture Attention with Clear and Compelling Language 

Creating videos that capture attention quickly can be a game changer for your content. To do this, start with clear and compelling language that grabs your viewers' interest right away. 


Using familiar language early on helps to keep your audience engaged, making it easier for them to understand what your product or service is all about. The simpler you make it; the more likely people are to stick around! 


Let your viewers know upfront what they’ll gain from watching your video; this can be achieved through descriptive but concise titles, which can be in the caption or meta title. Ensure to hook your viewers, giving them enough to keep them watching without overwhelming them. 

Use Text Animation Upfront 

Try using eye-catching text animation upfront. This trick is perfect for stopping those busy scrollers in their tracks. Bright, bold, and creative fonts really pop. Don't be afraid to step outside your brand’s usual look if needed! 


The key is to convey your message in those crucial first few seconds, without viewers even needing to turn up the volume. This way, you hook them instantly and make them curious to see more, all while keeping things visually exciting. 

Hop On Trends and Make Them Your Own 

Engaging with your audience by participating in trends is an excellent way to catch their eye as trends are inherently relatable and familiar. 


The trick is to relate the trend back to your brand in a way that feels natural. By doing this, you create content that’s not only relevant but also memorable, making viewers more likely to engage with your brand and stick around for more. 


Make Your Content Relatable 


Think about what would keep YOU watching. Perhaps characters in your videos and animations who face problems that your audience can identify with. This approach helps you communicate emotionally with your viewers, making your message more impactful. 


Try telling a story around these characters and their challenges. Not only does this make your content more engaging, but it also helps your audience feel a connection to your brand. 

Use Clear Call To Action’s to Make Things Happen 

To grab attention quickly in your videos, use clear Call to Actions (CTAs) to guide your viewers on what to do next. Whether it’s “Follow us,” “Contact us,” “Get in Touch,” or “Discover More,” keep your CTAs short and simple. This direct approach helps a lot. 


Get in touch with the team here at CH Video or explore our blogs for more tips and inspiration on how to grab attention in your videos. 

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