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Eco-Friendly Filmmaking: Simple Ways to Make Video Production More Sustainable

Jun 05, 2024
Sustainability touches every industry, and filmmaking is no exception. So let’s talk about a few green tips that not only help the planet but help create a more responsible and conscious film industry.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

One of the first and most effective factors we consider how much waste are we producing? Simple changes like a food waste bin in our office, what our crew have for lunch, and reusable water bottles and coffee cups are a good start. We also reuse props where we can and offer them to non-profit organisations like schools to give them a second life.


There’s definitely less need for paper with so many digital alternatives around. Reducing our printing for digital scripts, call sheets and release forms our phones or tablet apps dramatically reduces paper waste. Using apps like Slack and Sharepoint, means we can continue to organise our workflow throughout our video production process, keeping those paper cuts a bay too.  


From moving kit to actors and crew, film production requires a lot of moving around. But Gary and Emily on our team will be very happy to chat to you about their electric cars! When we have shoots in central London, most of the team get trains to the location, and we car share to reduce emissions. Also good to keep expenses costs down for our clients!


More durable than traditional, energy intensive lighting, it last 25 times longer and doesn’t generate as much heat! So, say goodbye to those big old fashioned hot lights when you’re on camera. By using LED lighting, we reduce costs and energy consumption, helping both CH Video and the planet!

Focussing on eco-friendly production is pretty important for us. save on costs but can encourage eco-conscious customers. The film production industry has many opportunities to reduce its impact on the environment and by implementing at least some of the options above, we can collectively contribute to a more sustainable future.

Want to find out more about how we work at CH Video? Get in touch today and read our other blogs.

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